A Thank You from Big Plan

We told you about our first Big Plan session in October, and last week saw the final celebration session at Thistle, the first in person Big Plan for nearly 2 years!

Thistle YP supports young disabled people moving from school to adult life to plan for the future of their choice. Part of this process involves our person-centred planning group known as The Big Plan. We invite young people, along with family members, friends, and members of the community, to come together over a series of evening sessions to make plans together for a great life after school (although we’ve had to restrict numbers to keep Covid safe on this occasion).

10 amazing young people and their families participated in this Big Plan.

We believe that everyone has gifts and strengths and at this final session our young people shared some of their gifts. These included singing and playing the piano, woodworking and baking skills, published writing, animated films and a sign language translation of a music video.

Even Thistle’s ‘Elvis the Elf’ made an unscheduled appearance in the Big Plan Diary Room!


  • Feedback on the Big Plan from our young people included;


"I have a much better understanding of what I want for my future and how I can make decisions of my own."


"It makes me feel more valued"


"The Big Plan has given me a platform to properly express myself: what I want to do in future and what is important to me."


"The tasks helped me organise my thoughts and focus on areas that mattered most to me"


"It made me think about the things I like best"


  • Feedback from the parents/carers of our young people included;


"Exploring strengths and dreams have planted the seed that his opinions matter and should be heard."


"The information I gleaned was invaluable as I didn’t know how to ask the right questions or how to get at this information from B."


"It has been useful to get a sense of the support available. This has been the first outside agency to actively offer help and guidance."


"K enjoyed meeting different people and taking part in his own way. The patience shown by everyone was very much appreciated and the expertise is amazing – a huge thank you!"

We would like to thank our fantastic Group Supporters, and of course our team of facilitators, Steve, Kieran and Marie.


If you’d like to know more about the Big Plan or the work of Thistle YP, please contact us at thistleYP@thistle.org.uk


A very Merry Christmas and a Happy 2022 to everyone from the Thistle YP team.


Thistle statement: long COVID debate, Scottish Parliament


All Ability Bikes at Thistle