All Ability Bikes at Thistle

We are delighted to have received funding from City of Edinburgh Council to continue adaptive bike sessions here at Thistle.

Over the past months we’ve worked closely with Cycling UK, who previously ran the Edinburgh All Ability Bikes Centre, to get our accessible cycling sessions up and running and we are looking forward to developing the work further.

Cycling is a wonderful activity that offers many wellbeing benefits and we’re thrilled to be able to support people to experience the joys of cycling, whether for the first time ever, the first time in several years or the first time since last week!  

At present, our cycling sessions take place at Thistle’s Centre of Wellbeing in Craigmillar on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons. We hope to have cycling sessions up and running in Saughton soon and we’ll share news about this on our social media and website when we have it.

If you’d like to come along and join us, we’d love to see you. Just contact Thistle’s reception team on 0131 661 3366 or email for more info and to book.


A Thank You from Big Plan


Julie Sees Life Differently