Thistle's rainbow of hope

You might have seen the ‘Rainbow of Reflection’ on the Mound last week – a horticultural installation created out of 12,000 primroses. Following the event the organisers donated the plants to social care organisations in the city, including Thistle.

Janette, our facilities manager, created this blog to share the journey of the primroses, from the 'Rainbow of Reflection' on the Mound to their new home...

On Thursday morning, our wonderful gardener Christine laid out our very own mini 'rainbow of hope' on our grounds.

We put out the rainbow with signage to tell our community where the flowers came from and why it was now here, with an invitation for them to take some to plant in their own gardens.

I was thrilled to see primroses popping up all around the estate throughout the course of the day! Not only that, but to see our neighbours sharing the happiness that these plants were bringing. It was really heart-warming.

On Thursday afternoon the Outdoor Education Teacher at Castleview Primary School collected around 40 trays to provide learning opportunities and to be given out to families.

On Friday morning, we started our deliveries to people we support. Thanks Stan from Grow Forth for posing for a photo!

Over the weekend, we delivered potted plants to Thistle employees who are having to work from home and adapt to being away from their colleagues and workspace.

On Monday, the big plant at Thistle commenced. We planted a small rainbow and we also hope to fill our grounds with colour by way of planters, baskets and beds.

I honestly can’t thank the teams at Grow Forth and Reynard Nursery enough for the kindness of this donation, if there was ever proof of the joy gardening can bring we have certainly seen it over the last few days!


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